Geoffrey Nevins — Tampa, Florida

Geoffrey Nevins, or Geoff Nevins, came to me for an escorting session. He was clearly on drugs, which made me uncomfortable. He took out coke while in my hotel room, snorted a line, and offered me some. We had agreed to $300, but he only brought half and said that the coke should make up … Read more

William Calzadilla — Hoboken, New Jersey

William Calzadilla responded to my prostitution ad. He came to my hotel room drunk and told me he’d only pay me after we finished. That’s not my protocol, but he was intimidating, and I didn’t want to make a scene, so I agreed. While we were *******, he started to choke me hard. I tried … Read more

Erhan Ciris — New York, New York

Erhan Ciris came to see me for my full-service prostitution services. He was really nice at first, and attractive, so I thought I had hit the jackpot. While we were having ***, he kept getting more and more aggressive. At some point, he removed the condom and thew it aside. When I protested, he slapped … Read more

Jacob Oberhaus — Columbus, Ohio

Jacob Vincent Oberhaus is a serial harasser of escorts. He will text explicit things trying to set up an appointment, and when you don’t answer, he’ll call and leave disgusting voicemails about violent things that he plans to do to you. I asked my escort friends about him, and one had seen him in the … Read more

Steven Belcher — Asheville, North Carolina

I’ll never forget the time I had a dominatrix session with Steven Belcher. He booked a long session with me and seemed eager to try new things. But as soon as we started, things went south. He was rude, demanding, and completely disrespectful. He kept trying to take control of the session and ignored all … Read more

Colin Whitaker — Baltimore, Maryland

Colin Whitaker came to me for my escorting services and was one of the most disrespectful and entitled men I’ve ever met. He completely ignored my boundaries and treated me like an object to be used for his pleasure. He kept pushing me to do things I was uncomfortable with and acted like it was … Read more

Bob Ciosek — New York, New York

My escorting session with Bob Ciosek was a complete disaster. He seemed nice enough at first, but as soon as we started, he began to push my boundaries and ignore my requests. Despite my clear communication about what I was and was not comfortable with, he continued to try and push me into doing things … Read more

Beau Aguon — San Diego, California

Beau Aguon messaged me for *** and agreed to my rate. I’m a transgender woman and he asked me to **** him anally. He said that he had experienced being pegged by dominatrices, so I thought he’d be easy money. He came over and was acting sketchy from the get-go. We gave each other head, … Read more

Ryan McLaughlin — Chicago, Illinois

As an escort, I’ve had my fair share of bad clients. But there’s one in particular that stands out as the worst experience of my career: Ryan McLaughlin It started off innocently enough. He was a new client, a wealthy businessman. He seemed nice enough on the phone, and I felt good about the arrangement … Read more