Lamont Dorsey — Los Angeles, California

After session, he wanted more ***. When I told him it costs more for another session, he became very upset and started screaming and demanding his money back, threatened to post me on his youtube channel “Lamont At Large”. Then threatened physical harm to me. This guy wants to take advantage and wants to con … Read more

Elliot Lee Brittain — Las Vegas, Nevada

Elliot Lee Brittain is an annoying feel who disrespects boundaries. Came to see me for an hour long full service session and the idiot tried to remove the condom while *******, as if I wouldn’t notice. We then got into an argument and I kicked him out despite him acting like a tough guy. DNS.

Benjamin Wolfson

Benjamin Wolfson texted me for a session. We set something up, but I had to cancel the day before due to an emergency. He then showed his crazy side and kept calling and texting nonstop. He said he was going to show up to the session anyway, which is stupid because I had given him … Read more